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When you think of marshals, it is the trackside volunteers which normally spring to mind – however, there is much more than that! Trackside marshals are close to the action and are trained to be able to respond to incidents – they are the front line of motorsport and events cannot be run without them. Come rain or shine, their enthusiasm is much appreciated by all, particularly by the competitors.

When we say ‘there is much more to it than that!’, clubs also recognise that other marshals and officials are also extremely important in the organising of events, and make a difference between a smooth running, friendly, successful event and a stress filled, frustrating, day. Not everyone wants to be ‘front line’ – but can still be involved.

If being close to and interested in the cars and drivers is what you want, then a paddock marshal position is probably the best job there is as you are even closer and able to also meet the drivers and assisting experienced marshals is the best way to learn!

In the 2011 season the youngest marshal on duty was 15 years old, and acted as a ‘checker’, and message runner, making sure every competitor had taken the required number of practice runs, as in order to be able to train at trackside, a marshal must be at least 16 years old.

There is no substitute for experience in any occupation, and the only way to gain experience as a marshal in motorsport is to get started by assisting our existing Officials and Marshals. Consider the following, and see if any of these appeal to you – if so, just get in touch with us!

Paddock Marshal
Help to control the paddock and feed the start area

Flag Marshal

Waves the red flag for an incident at their location, or when the next post waves their flag.

Trackside Marshal
Respond to incidents and help with trackside safety.

Club Reporter
Mix with competitors and compile reports and stories for the Club’s Bulletin, and assist the Editor.

Secretary of the Meeting
Assist with the ‘signing on’ of drivers and general paperwork.

Results Team
Ensure times and results are recorded, displayed, and issued to competitors and championship compilers.

PR Office
Deal with reports and promotions for the press – a good place to start for budding journalists!

Some positions require more formal Motorsport UK training. These include:

Clerk of Course
This involves overall responsibility for events, usually aspired to after several years of general involvement.

General checking of competition cars for primarily safety, and eligibility – a mechanical background is a necessity.

Nowadays, computer technology is a large part of this position, and also involves knowledge of light beams, transponders, etc.

Longton & District Motor Club is primarily interested in help being given at its events as detailed on this website. The Club is always pleased to welcome new marshals so if you would like more information contact the Club.

If you’d like to register your interest in marshalling, please complete the form below. If you have some more questions first, email our Chief Marshal, Pete Wilson:

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